Our strengths

Research and integrating new solutions is at the heart of our corporate culture. An example of this is our SAFE expertise; a method of preventive maintenance carried out by analysing the dynamic parameters of structures.

Sarrasola ingénierie bureau études 3D topographie laser lidar

Our strengths

We have a constant policy of innovation. To keep at the forefront of technology, our engineers are involved in permanent R&D within the company. As a member of various innovation groups including several clusters, the company is involved in numerous regional, national and international collaborative research projects.

Sarrasola ingénierie bureau études 3D topographie maintenance prédictive


Our teams of visionary men and women work to develop ever more effective solutions that are easy to integrate into our customers’ environments. This approach is part of a global strategy, based on technology and use, to meet an identified or anticipated need in our different application fields.

maintenance prédictive expertise SAFE analyse vibraoire


We have created a solution which analyses the dynamic parameters of structures.

This preventive maintenance solution lets us know and follow the evolution, real-time status and interaction with the ground of ski lift towers, electricity pylons and metallic structures. This is a unique feature we have applied to these structures. This method makes it possible to manage operations by identifying abnormal behaviour (fatigue, corrosion, etc.) that cannot be detected by conventional NDT and to plan investments by determining the residual lifetimes of these installations.

maintenance prédictive remontées mécaniques analyse vibratoire expertise SAFE


The determination of dynamic parameters is based on recordings made under ambient background noise and their analysis. The effectiveness of this analysis has been proven by numerous works for different clients.

Validated by the STRMTG (Service technique des remontées mécaniques et des transports guidés), it is used on ski lift towers in particular, in addition to current NDT techniques.

Would you like more information on our predictive maintenance method which analyses the dynamic parameters of structures? Contact us now.